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2020-05-15 06:14




1、美东时间周四,美股盘初低开下探,触底后持续上扬。截止收盘,道指涨377.37点,涨幅1.62%,报23625.34点;纳指涨0.91%,标普500指数涨1.15%。欧洲主要股指全线收跌,德国DAX指数跌幅为1.95%;英国富时100指数跌幅为2.75%;法国CAC40指数跌幅为1.65%。国际油价大涨,WTI 6月原油期货涨幅8.98%,报27.56美元/桶。布轮特7月原油期货涨幅6.65%,报31.13美元/桶。






















8、 中华全国总工会新闻发言人、宣教部部长刘迎祥在北京表示,全总和各级工会按照保居民就业、保基本民生、保市场主体、保粮食能源安全、保产业链供应链稳定、保基层运转的要求,突出做好稳就业工作,最大限度稳定企业用工、稳定就业岗位。



























【中联钢:唐津霸三地带钢轧线开工率】据中国联合钢铁网最新统计,14日唐津霸三地开工41条带钢生产线,开工率为34.45%,环比增0.8%。其中,唐山12条窄带轧线开工,开工率约为35.29%,与上周持平;唐山17条232以上带钢线开工,开工率约为38.64%,环比增2.28%;霸州及天津两地12条带钢线开工,开工率为29.27%,与上周持平。(黄真锋 13681170848/柳丹阳15901008840)



【建筑钢材】14日国内线螺价格继续盘整运行,各地价格窄幅波动。主要城市螺纹均价为3632元/吨,与昨日持平,周环比降3元/吨。螺纹期货主力合约收盘价3445元/吨,与昨日收盘价降19元/吨;较杭州中天螺纹市价3530元/吨贴水115元/吨。期货继续弱势运行,但现货市场成交表现则尚可。预计线螺价格呈窄幅震荡运行,部分地区价格有望回升(沈全 010-57930530)


【冷轧卷板】14日全国主要城市冷轧市场价格稳中小涨,冷轧板日均价为4029元/吨,日环比上涨4元/吨,周环比上涨54元/吨。黑色系期货窄幅震荡运行,冷轧市场价格稳中小涨,下游补库意愿不大,市场成交逐渐转淡,出货表现一般。近日钢厂检修减产增多,产量增速放缓,有利于缓解供需矛盾,降低大幅下跌风险。从市场了解,目前部分商家为缓解资金压力,出货意向较强,但基于市场库存延续下降,总体库存压力不大,市价仍有支撑,低价出货现象不多。预计短期市场涨跌互现,小幅盘整运行。(王晓娇 010-57930520)

【涂镀】14日全国主要城市1.0无花镀锌均价4347元(吨价,下同),环比昨日持平;全国主要城市0.3mm镀锌均价4270元,环比昨日持平;彩涂主要城市0.47彩涂均价今日5358元,环比昨日涨5元。黑色系期货窄幅震荡运行,涂镀板材价格稳中有涨,镀锌板报价较为平稳,彩涂板个别地区上扬。据了解,近日市场成交逐渐转淡,贸易商和下游客户以消化手中库存为主,继续补货意愿较差,对当前行情信心不足,谨慎观望心态明显。博兴地区彩涂产线因环保问题导致的停产大多处于设备待验收阶段,预计一周内将复产,此期间彩涂板库存得以消化,镀锌库存有累积,对后市整体影响不大。目前市场处于僵持阶段,价格涨跌空间有限。(刘东旭 010-57930525)

【中板】14日中厚板上海16-20mm萍钢价格3680-3700元/吨,天津天钢3560元/吨,乐从柳钢3820元/吨,价格整体平稳,高位运行。钢厂:国内29 家中板钢厂5 月中厚板计划产量、日均产量环比、同比都在增加,特别是平均产能利用率已经达到95%以上,这也从侧面可以反映中厚板的一个利润和市场需求度。市场:整体成交情况一般,稀缺规格加价走货顺畅,其他规格暗降出货尚可。库存:全国31个城市中厚板库存103.33万吨,环比上周减少3.76万吨,其中:东北地区周环比持平,华东、中南、西部地区库存周环比下降,华北地区周环比上涨。从数字可以看出,各地区在按部就班的去库存,基本保持四月的节奏。总结: 产量增加,产出端利空。需求旺盛,需求端明显利多。短期内,全国中厚板价格依然维持高位震荡行情。(裴菲010-57930514)

【硅钢】14日硅钢市场继续以稳为主,14日无取向硅钢均价4700元/吨,较昨日持稳,取向硅钢均价13900元/吨,较昨日持稳。由于主流钢厂刚刚出台完毕期货价格政策,下游实际订货价格未定下来,所以当前各方均在观望市场。目前市场资源到货不多,商家观望心态浓,出货较谨慎。下游方面,今日询价也不多,等待钢厂更多的优惠政策。综合来看,预计15日硅钢市场将以企稳为主。(常波 010-57930518)

【无缝管】14日国内无缝管市场售价平稳,成交一般。从全国24个主要城市区域价格来看,日均价4309元/吨,较昨持平,较上周同期下降30元/吨。今日管坯市场售价平稳,连铸管坯资源较热轧管坯仍较紧张,以致部分前期生产方坯的企业改产管坯,管坯售价也较前期显坚挺。管坯行情的好转致使无缝管企业多被迫跟涨,目前无缝管厂家出货较一般,涨价幅度有限。无缝管市场多为消化库存阶段,商家多按需采购,积极出货为主。预计后期无缝管市场有望止跌企稳。(李卫卫 010-57930631)






目前看来,不锈钢市场价格有转入调整阶段的迹象。当前市场参与主体需要密切关注市场库存,原料走势以及钢厂最新的营销策略,以及时调整采购及建库策略。(程波 010-57930673)


【进口矿】14日铁矿石期货夜盘继续高开,全天震荡偏强运行,主力合约盘终报收647.5元/吨,上涨1.09%,成交量减33万手,持仓量增1.4万手。今日港口现货市场早盘报价上调5元/吨,山东地区早盘报价PB粉680元/吨、卡粉820元/吨、金步巴粉615元/吨,山东地区盘终成交价为PB粉670/680元/吨、超特粉545元/吨;唐山地区早盘报价PB粉690元/吨、卡粉820元/吨、超特粉555元/吨,唐山地区盘终成交价为PB粉685元/吨、混合粉610元/吨。早盘现货报价上调5元/吨,现货市场活跃度一般,贸易商报盘积极性尚可,挺价意愿较强,钢厂询盘情绪较昨日有所好转,整体以按需采购为主。当前仍处钢材需求旺季,钢材库存去化仍在进行,钢厂在利润的支撑下生产积极性较高,增产意愿较强,铁矿石日耗保持高位,短期看铁矿石需求相对坚挺;供给方面,港口库存不断去化,库存量已处历史低位,港口资源整体偏紧,尤其巴西矿短期到货偏少,价格较为坚挺。综合看来,短期铁矿石价格以震荡偏稳为主。(刘聪 010-57930682)

【国产矿】14日国内铁精粉市场维持强势,内蒙包钢铁精粉采购价上涨20元,其他精粉产区报价暂时不变,预计短期内价格仍有上涨空间。另据调研显示,近期包钢招标外购烧结用精粉干基含税价格为800元/吨,高品位球团用铁精粉干基含税价格830元/吨,低品位球团用铁精粉干基含税价格760元/吨。近半月招标25万吨,其中烧结用精粉15万吨,高品位造球精粉6万吨,低品位造球精粉4万吨。(诸葛毅 010-57930676)



【钢坯】14日全国钢坯市价小幅拉涨10元/吨,唐山地区报3160元/吨,江苏地区3240-3280元/吨,东北3160元/吨,成交表现一般较可。虽然近期黑色期货受外盘下行及5月合约交割期将至影响表现不佳,但现货市场基于供需缺口局面支撑,厂商心态多显坚挺,故一旦下游需求放量,价格势必拉涨。综合目前行情考虑,钢坯市场仍呈现窄幅坚挺的行情。(邱磊 13582548705)

【废钢】14日废钢市场涨跌互现,华北地区部分钢厂上调废钢采购价格,涨幅20-100元/吨不等;华东江苏、安徽地区少数钢厂下跌20-30元/吨。目前华东地区市场重废不含税2100-2420元/吨,唐山地区主流重A2450-2530元/吨。近日部分废钢供货商恐跌心态渐起,加快出货速度,钢厂到货情况明显有所改善。华东、西南地区少数电炉厂因成本压力已有减产操作,废钢存在下行风险。但是目前部分钢厂仍有补库需求,多以持稳收货为主。预计短期废钢市场整体持稳,部分根据自身到货及库存情况窄幅调整。(史李阳 010-57930504)




2020年5月13日 - 穆迪投资者服务公司("穆迪")撤销了对AK钢铁公司(AK Steel)7.625%到期票据的评级,2023年到期的7.5%的票据,到期的6.375%的票据,2027年到期的7%的票据和IRB的评级。由于信息不足,无法维持信用评级,评级被撤销。AK钢铁于2020年3月13日被美国克利夫兰(Cleveland Cliffs)收购。今后不会提供独立财务报表。


法兰克福(路透社)-德国第二大钢铁制造商萨尔茨吉特(SZGG.DE salzgitter)周三表示,由于冠状病毒大流行对其业务构成压力,预计2020年税前亏损将大幅亏损,很可能超过1亿欧元(合1.09亿美元)。







--Steel market--

[Construction steel]: On 13 May, domestic rebar prices continue to maintain the consolidation of the main operation, East China prices slightly weakened. The average price of threads in major cities was 3632 yuan/tonne, down 1 yuan/ton from yesterday, up 15 yuan/tonne per week. The closing price of the main contract of thread futures was RMB3464/tonne, the same as yesterday's closing price, and 134 yuan/tonne was compared to the market price of Hangzhou Zhongtian thread 3530 yuan/tonne. Futures after the night rally price dive, today to maintain a low run mainly, the overall spot transaction than yesterday has weakened, afternoon quotations have weakened signs. It is expected that tomorrow's screw prices will maintain a weak operation, prices may be slightly lower overall. (Shen Quan 010-57930530)

[Hot-rolled roll]: On 13 May,  hot-rolled spot price is generally strong but the change is small. The average price of major cities in China was 3501 yuan /tonne, up 2 yuan/tonne from yesterday. Shanghai 3400-3420 yuan / ton stable, Tianjin 3440-3450 yuan / ton stable, Le from 3460-3480 yuan / ton up 10 yuan / ton. Spot trading in major cities was slightly better than yesterday. Hot-rolled futures were up, closing up 4.12 percent at 3,337. Today Yangang's bid price was 10 yuan higher than yesterday. The overall trend of spot prices since this week is strong, but the price change is small, both supply and demand are building strength, short-term prices will still run slightly volatile. (Wenfei Shi 010-57930519)

[Cold-rolled coil]: On 13 May, major cities in the country cold-rolled market prices rose steadily, cold-rolled average price of 4025 yuan / ton, up 4 yuan / ton per day, up 87 yuan / ton per week. Among them, the Northeast, Central and South China region rose significantly, Shanghai market price Angang 1.0 cold roll 3900 yuan / ton rose 10 yuan / ton; Today cold rolling market in some parts of the still maintain the upward momentum, according to traders feedback, the transaction is not ideal, downstream demand slightly weak, mainly in the early procurement of resources need to digest time, the recent continued replenishment intention is weak. After a series of pull-ups, the market optimism weakened, turned to cautious wait-and-see-oriented, the market still bearish expectations. Short-term market volatility is expected to stabilize. (Xiaojiao Wng 010-57930520)

[Coating]: On 13 May, the average price of 1.0 flowerless galvanized in major cities nationwide was 4347 yuan/tonne, flat from yesterday, the average price of 0.3mm galvanized in major cities nationwide was 4270 yuan/tonne, flat from yesterday, and the average price of 0.47 color coating in major cities was 5353 yuan/tonne today, flat from yesterday. Black system futures night high down, coated plate prices continue to rise power shortage, more to maintain a smooth operation. Boxing sheet resource price correction 10-20 yuan / ton, mainly by the local environmental protection impact, color coating line large area stop maintenance, galvanized manufacturers shipped limited, inventory pressure increased. Upstream hot volume supply is reduced, and prices continue to rise, so that coating manufacturers profit reduction, production will decline than the previous period, which will slow down production growth, conducive to easing the contradiction between supply and demand, to prevent a sharp decline in prices. Overall, the current market uncertainties are more, manufacturers are currently more concerned about the macro-policy aspects of the two sessions, before the price will not be large fluctuations, is expected to be mainly small shocks in the near future. (Dongxu Liu 010-57930525)

[Mid-plate]: On 13 May, China-Thick plate quote: Shanghai 16-20mm Ping steel price 3680-3700 yuan / ton, Tianjin Tiangong 3560 yuan / ton, Le Cong Liugang 3820 yuan / ton, overall stability, with few down. Today, overall trading situation of the national board in general, scarce specifications to increase the price of goods smoothly, other specifications dark down shipments can still. From the market feedback point of view, the vast majority of current lying resources from steel mills last month's production, The overall output in April is small, uneven specifications is inevitable, so it seems that the short-term market specification shortage situation is more difficult to significantly improve, high medium plate prices still have strong support, in the later large number of resources to supplement, the national mid-plate price may present a high volatility market. (Fei Pei 010-57930514)

[Silicon steel]: The average price of non-directional silicon steel on the 13th was 4700 yuan/tonne, which was stable compared to yesterday, and the average price of silicon steel was 13900 yuan/tonne, which was stable compared to yesterday. Today's overall steel price rise is weak, futures performance is also general, and then transmitted to the silicon steel market is also flat. The market price of non-orientation silicon steel changed little, some merchants after the previous increase of 20-50 yuan / ton after the beginning began to wait and see, is still waiting for the steel plant orders. Downstream, home power plants began to negotiate with the steel mills order concessions, is still in the game, it is recommended that merchants operate carefully, waiting for the market. Orientation silicon steel because of the steel mill direct supply ratio is high, the market circulation is small, coupled with the steel mills introduced price policy for the flat, so basically stable-oriented. Overall, it is expected that in the short term the silicon steel market will be mainly stable. (Bo Chang 010-57930518)

[Seamless tube]: On13 May,  domestic seamless tube market prices stable in the middle of the down, transactions in general. From the price of 24 major cities in the country, the daily average price of 4309 yuan / ton, down 4 yuan / ton from yesterday, down 30 yuan / ton from the same period last week. Today, the price of pipe blank market is stable, is now statistics 10 tube blank factory cast tube blank in May planned production of about 300,000 tons, down about 40% compared to the same period last year, so the market cast tube blank resources are less, so that Jiangsu area cast tube blanks flow to Shandong. Although limited, but enough to see that the current Shandong pipe billet production is difficult to supply the needs of local pipe factories. With the late Shandong pipe factory gradually resumed full production, cast pipe billet volume or more nervous. It is expected that the chance of a steady rise in the late tube billet market will increase. Today seamless pipe factory prices temporarily remained stable, shipping situation in general, late pipe factory or face high costs and weak demand embarrassing situation. The seamless tube market is expected to be supported by costs, with a downward trend likely to be hampered. There is the possibility of stabilisation in the latter stages. (Weiwei Li 010-57930631)

[Stainless steel market]

On the 13th, LME nickel edged lower in the Asian session in a narrow swing, eventually closing at $12,270 a tonne, down $15/tonne (0.01%) from the previous day's close. SHFE nickel futures main contract, its price fell below 100,000 yuan / ton, and finally closed near 10.11 million yuan / ton, the previous day's closing price is basically the same. SHFE stainless steel futures main contract, its price after a small recovery, finally closed at 13505 yuan / ton, up 70 yuan / ton (0.52%).

Nickel prices remained stable, with the average price of CFR at 1.5 per cent of nickel mines in the Philippines at US$39 per wet ton, mainly due to the fact that the main Philippine nickel mining producing areas have begun to produce mines in an orderly manner. The average price of high nickel pig iron stabilized near 980 yuan/nickel, and the spot price of electrolytic nickel fell by 0.24 million yuan/tonne (2.33%) at 10.06 million yuan/tonne.

Taigang and Qingshan stainless steel factory prices steadily rising, of which Qingshan rose higher than Taigang. Taisteel 13 Wuxi area hot and cold rolled stainless steel guide price, its short-term trend appeared differentiation. The base price of each line of hot roll remained stable, 430 cold volume base price is the same as the previous day's price, 300 series cold volume base price rose 100 yuan / ton. Among them, 304 cold volume base price of 14150 yuan / ton, 3016L cold volume base price 20100 yuan / ton, 321 cold volume base price of 16200 yuan / ton. Qingshan 304 hot-rolled narrow band re-opened, up 300 yuan / ton;

Today Wuxi market 304 hot and cold rolling spot price steady in a small decline, there is no significant correction, mainly by the steel mills strong willingness to support the price. However, according to market feedback, the transaction continued to weaken, the basis of spot prices have loosened. Especially in the last two days SHFE stainless steel futures main contract price and LME nickel price impulse can be obviously insufficient, the price appeared a moderate correction. Coupled with the weak downstream demand, the final price of stainless steel to temporarily suspend the rise, but because the spot resources are not abundant, the correction range is limited.

At present, it seems that stainless steel prices will be adjusted by a certain amount to fully digest the recent increase. But when the market ushered in a new rise factor, it still has a certain amount of room for improvement.(Cheng Bo 010-57930673)

--Raw materials market--

[Imported ore]: On 13  May,  iron ore futures opened high overnight, the whole day volatility strong operation, the main contract closed at 645.5 yuan / ton, up 2.14%, the volume increased by 350,000 lots, the position increased by 35,000 lots. Today's port spot market early quotation increase of 5 yuan / ton, Shandong region early quotation PB fines is 675 yuan / ton, Carajar fine is 815 yuan / ton, Jinbu ba fine  is 610 yuan / ton, Shandong region final transaction prices for PB fine are  668/670/671/672 yuan / ton, Super special fine are 540/541 yuan / ton; Tangshan area early quotation PB fine is  685 yuan / ton, Carajar  fine is fines is 815 yuan / ton, super special fines is  555 yuan / ton, Tangshan area end-of-price pb fines is  680 yuan / ton, mixed fines is  607 yuan / ton. Early spot price increase of 5 yuan / ton, trade business market enthusiasm is still good, strong willingness to price, steel mill inquiry sentiment in general, the transaction is mainly concentrated in the low-cut Australian powder and block ore. At present is still in the peak steel demand season, steel inventory de-mining is still in progress, steel mills under the support of profits production enthusiasm is higher, the willingness to increase production is strong, iron ore daily consumption remains high, short-term iron ore demand is relatively strong; Overall, the short-term iron ore price is dominated by volatility. (Cong Liu 010-57930682)

[Domestic mine]: On 13 May,  domestic iron concentrate powder market stable in the strong, some areas of iron concentrate fine prices have risen. Hebei Zunhua iron fine  price rose 8 yuan, moved to the west up 24 yuan, moved up 10 yuan; Liaoning Jianping fine price rose 10 yuan, Benxi, Liaoyang rose 20 yuan; Shanxi traditional confrontation, Lingqiu fine powder price rose 10 yuan. In addition, the purchase price of some steel mills in northern Hebei increased by 10-20 yuan. According to our research shows that the main reason for the price increase is two: First, since May, downstream real estate and infrastructure demand for steel, steel mill production situation than in April has been larger. Second, affected by the previous outbreak, the current level of refined powder stocks in steel mills is generally low, the current willingness to replenish the stock is stronger. It is expected that this week the domestic market will continue to maintain the current level of steady and strong, price to stability-oriented. ( Geyi Zhu  010-57930676)

[Coke]: On 13 May, coke market stable operation, Tangshan quasi-first-level tax-bearing to the factory 1750-1770 yuan / ton, Shanxi quasi-first-level tax-bearing factory 1550-1600 yuan / ton. Shanxi coking plant increase is still more positive, other areas of coking plant temporarily wait and see; Downstream steel mills for price increases still have not responded, the recent high-speed road congestion phenomenon, steel mills coke arrival in general, and steel mills blast furnaces started to pick up, the demand for coke procurement increased. Port spot quotation is strong, traders procurement normal, port inventory decline. To sum up, coke prices in the supply of normal, demand has been released under the positive support, to maintain a stable and good operation. (Fengxia Liu15010177915)

[Coking coal]: On 13 May,  domestic coking coal prices weak fall, transactions still did not improve. Shanxi Liulin region low sulfur main coking coal S0.8 quote 1310 down 40 yuan / ton, other regions mainstream report 1300-1350 yuan / ton. At present, downstream sign-off is still not active, more to maintain small single procurement-based, recent low-sulfur coking coal continued to fall, downstream procurement to maintain a wait-and-see. Imported coking coal, the price of hard coking coal in Australia recently 123.5 us dollars / ton, an increase of US$2 / ton, compared with domestic coking coal still has a certain price advantage. With the resumption of customs clearance at the port, the import of coal resources increased, transactions in general. Under the constraint of increasing inventory pressure and weak downstream procurement demand, coking coal prices are still weak and falling. (Fengxia Liu15010177915)

[Steel billet]: On 13 May, the price of steel billets in most parts of the country showed a rise, ranging from 10-60 yuan/tonne, of which Tangshan reported 3150 yuan/tonne, Jiangsu reported 3240-3270 yuan/ton, and Northeast 3150 yuan/tonne, the overall transaction was generally more affordable. Recent lying of futures, many shocks, it is difficult to give spot favourable support. The current billet resources are more than less than the state of demand, coupled with the recent limited import resources to Hong Kong, the pressure on domestic billets is not obvious, so manufacturers are more willing to bargain. However, taking into account the continuous pull-up, downstream demand gradually slow, lack of upward momentum, so a comprehensive view of the short-term billet market or a small firm market. ( Lei Qiu 13582548705)

[Scrap steel]: The scrap steel market rose and fell on the 13th today, the price increase of steel mills mainly concentrated in East and North China, the increase of 30-80 yuan / ton range; At present, the East China market heavy waste does not include tax 2100-2420 yuan / ton, Tangshan region mainstream heavy A 2450-2530 yuan / ton, southwest region electric furnace plant heavy waste 2270-2370 yuan / ton. At present, the arrival situation of steel mills has not significantly improved, some of the low inventory of steel mills still have the demand for replenishment, short-term scrap prices have some support. However, independent electric furnace plant is in a loss-making state, the southwest region electric furnace plant has been operating at a lower price, waste steel continued to rise power is insufficient. It is expected that the short-term scrap market is running steadily in the middle of the consolidation, and the late stage should be alert to the downwind. (Liyang Shi 010-57930504)






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